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Legal Defense Plan


The FOP Legal Defense Plan is sponsored by the National Fraternal Order of Police and operated by the FOP Legal Plan, Inc. Legal defense protection is a necessity for law enforcement professionals. As the frequency and cost of allegations rise, the FOP Legal Defense Plan offers lodges and lodge members a very affordable and comprehensive plan with several options. The FOP Legal Defense Plan contracts with Plan attorneys to represent eligible participants when confronted with covered claims. Participants in the Plan have the right to select an attorney of their own choice.

Full Coverage Options

Subject to terms, conditions, limitations and other exclusions, the FOP Legal Defense Plan is designed specifically to cover exposures that active law enforcement officers face every day. The FOP Legal Defense Plan will pay legal defense costs for covered duty-related administrative disciplinary actions, criminal, and civil (excess) lawsuits, including grand jury proceedings. The Legal Defense Plan coverage is a benefit of FOP membership. Available options and more details can be found at


Eligibility: You must be an FOP member in good standing, employed by a federal, state or local government law enforcement agency, or employed by a law enforcement entity operated by a private college/university, private railroad or Native American tribal government (with some restrictions).


Retired Law Enforcement Concealed Carry Legal Defense Coverage (CCC)

The FOP Legal Defense Plan also offers separate unlimited legal defense coverage for civil and criminal claims associated with the legal carrying and/or use of a weapon for qualifying retired FOP members. Legal defense costs are covered in full when using a Plan attorney. Coverage is provided to not only those retirees who qualify under LEOSA, but also those retirees who qualify under their own state laws to carry a concealed weapon.


Eligibility: You must be an FOP member in good standing and certify that you are legally carrying a firearm within your state under that state’s qualifications or meet all of the requirements set forth in LEOSA. In order to qualify, you must be a retired law enforcement officer from a public agency who, among other things, had powers of arrest while employed, retired in good standing after a minimum of 10 years of service (or have a duty disability), and must be legally carrying a concealed firearm or carrying such firearm in one’s own home or vehicle at the time of the incident giving rise to a claim. More details can be found at


Sedgwick Claims Management Services serves as the benefit (claims) administrator, responsible for contracting with Plan attorneys, responding to participants’ questions, determining coverage eligibility, processing claims for legal defense benefits and paying attorneys.


For questions pertaining to claims and coverage, please contact Sedgwick at (866) 857-3276 or


Other National FOP Benefits

Lodge Fidelity Bond Insurance

Article 19 of the FOP Constitution and By-Laws requires each state and local lodge to maintain employee dishonesty coverage to protect lodge funds from dishonest acts by lodge members. This program fulfills this requirement and offers the following coverage features:


  • 3-year prepaid policy (Kentucky lodges must add a 1.5% surcharge to premium)

  • Broadest definition of covered employees and financial loss

  • Automatic renewal–No new application required for loss-free lodges

  • Optional increased limits and deductibles

  • Available to FOP lodges in all states except Hawaii


Coverage: Blanket Employee Dishonesty Coverage – Insures for loss of money, securities and other property caused by fraudulent or dishonest acts of any employee against the FOP Lodge. Definition of employee includes all officers, directors, volunteers and committee chairpersons, whether compensated or not.


Moonlighting Liability

The Moonlighting Liability Insurance Program protects individual peace officers who perform extra duty jobs. In addition to protecting the officer, coverage is extended to the non-governmental entity that has contracted the officer’s services. By offering protection to the extra duty employer you have a distinct marketing advantage over other programs, which may not extend coverage to the hiring entity.


Coverage Summary


  • $100,000 limit of liability including legal defense costs for claims alleging bodily injury, property damage or personal injury while working any authorized off-duty job

  • Optional limits of $250,000 and $500,000 and $1,000,000 are available upon request

  • Coverage is written with an A-rated insurer

  • No deductible


The Moonlighting Liability Program is not a plan offered or covered by FOP Legal Plan, Inc. The Moonlighting Program is offered and insured by an outside independent insurance company and is endorsed by the National FOP. For questions on enrollment, or the Plan in general, please contact Hylant at (800) 341-6038 or visit our website at


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